Monday, March 26, 2012

 The weekend is over and I am happy to say it was not all that bad.  I spent sometime reading and writing. I also spent some time with family and friends.

I was also able to spend time with a couple friends on Saturday at the chicken barbecue at the St. Lukes was nice to just sit and laugh a little bit. 

Now that can be good and when the friends Bonny ( My Wife ) and the particular friends ( Steph and Drew ) we can get in trouble...but I had a good time...and didn't get tossed from the church basement..( By God or the people running the barbecue.) ..So it was all good.

I went to a 50th birthday party for a good guy and then a 14th birthday to a real good kid...well I can't say that anymore as he is becoming a man.

  John Bush has turned 50. A man dedicated to the community who has been on the ambulance crew for a very long time.  He has had many ups and down and should be applauded for his work he does. Hats off to you "Bushy".


I went and watched the Hunger Games Movie this weekend..along with every teen in town. I have to say that the movie was very well done.  It skipped a bit of the books feel but you got the gist of the mood and the acting was very good.   I enjoyed the movie, still my ass went numb from the worthless cushions on the theatre seats...but all in all it was a good time.

Norgus Press...that would be the little publishing company that  we run ( Steph Deal, Stacey Gilfus, Matt Nord and I ) has another freaky offering ready for purchase...see below.  We will soon have a couple different lines other then horror if that's not your thing.

Zombie: The Other Fright Meat

List Price: $12.99

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Zombie: The Other Fright Meat

Authored by Matt Nord
You can't live with 'em...
At least not without getting a chunk bitten out of ya.
But we here at NorGus can't live without 'em!
And who'd want to?
In a world where vampires sparkle in the sun instead of roasting like pigs at a barbeque
and werewolves run around with capri pants and washboard abs,
It's nice that we can fall back on zombies to actually be monsters!

Publication Date:
Mar 19 2012
1466384913 / 9781466384910
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
6" x 9"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Fiction / Horror

Available on or createspace

You can't live with 'em...
At least not without getting a chunk bitten out of ya.
But we here at NorGus can't live without 'em!
And who'd want to?
In a world where vampires sparkle in the sun instead of roasting like pigs at a barbeque
and werewolves run around with capri pants and washboard abs,
It's nice that we can fall back on zombies to actually be monsters!

Publication Date:
Mar 19 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A New Post..holy Shit

 So I have not put up a post in sometime.  I will tell you why.  I am lazy, I am freaky no ambition, get of the pot Lazy.  People who know me understand that.  If I had to go a mile for water, I would just say screw it and turn to dust.

  Winter time does that to me. Well not always can be summer or fall also, but I have days where I lock myself in my fortress of solitude and don't come out unless it involves Beer and Food.

Ok so a co-worker had found a website that tells you everyday of the years day designation. You know like National Bread day and the such.  So I looked up my birthday and it was the following.

Moldy Cheese day..are you freaking kidding me.    They should call it bad ass cheese day...

Well anyway...I guess it fits with what I was saying earlier.

The Norgus Press is putting out a new book soon. Called Zombies : The Other Fright Meat...We love doing this and hope you will all grab a copy.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


 I was thinking today about retirement. People say its the golden years.....ahh yes the golden years. 

I plan on retiring at age 60..yes a little early, I want to do things I have not done yet. 

                                        My entire life I have worked, I started at 12 years old. 


I was one heck of a paper boy and won an award for my service

                                                   I will continue to I am at least 60.... 

I may work part time at a golf course ..cut grass for a few hours.....Enjoy nature and all it brings....

Then maybe play golf a few hours. 

In the winter time I am going to make artistic birdhouses and sell them at craft sales.  Does that not sound relaxing.

   Ok now for a reality check. To maintain the lifestyle I have now I will need to retire with 2.6 million dollars.  So as we all know...taint no fricken way that is going to happen.  So now when all of you enter Walmart in about 20 years be prepared to say hello to me as I will be working a 3rd job at Walmart...don't ask for a sticker..because I may just stick it on you...the pleasures of old age.

   I am not sure why this makes me mad..but if you get coffee and spill it on the floor at your house, do you not clean it up..Well the lazy crap monkeys that do this at work should be ashamed of themselves...I hope you get heartburn and piss yourself.  OK that's my vent for the day....

  So I went to the dentist yesterday.  I hate dentist and have a phobia about them. I pretty much consider the dentist to be the proctologist of the mouth world......

Don't want your fingers in either end. But any Whooooooooooooo.....I am going to cost me a bit of money to fix the crap I messed up in my mouth.  I fell and smacked my face on the steps one day and am working ok getting that fixed.  I guess it is worth it or I can look like this person....

....not the option I want.
Happy Tuesday....woot!!!